07 September 2008

True Blood S1 E01 Review

HBO's True Blood
Season 1
Episode 01: Strange Blood
Original Air Date: September 7, 2008

Episode Review::

If you had asked me a month ago, I would have told you how skeptical I was about this show. I've been a fan of the books for about a year and I was immediately drawn into Charlaine Harris' world. Then I heard the news that HBO was turning it into a television series. At first I was like, "I don't know about this." Then I thought, "Hold on, its HBO which means censorship will not be an issue. But will they at least be slightly faithful to the series?" That was left to be seen.

I can happily say that Alan Ball did stay faithful and I want more!

Episode 01: Strange Love gives us a great opening to the series and the characters. Anna Paquin has Sookie down. Small mannerisms and facial movements really made me believe she was this character. Jason's character was shown to be the horn-dog he is with maybe a little to long cut up sex scenes. Tara has been changed comparatively with the novel. In the tv series, she plays more of the pivotal best friend character with a big mouth and a strong point of view. Some times I felt she was a little over the top, but over the series I see her calming down. Sam was also perfect, the sweet, protective, 'other' guy. Can't wait for more of his inspiring talks with Sookie! And of course...Bill. Now, I am Team Eric all the way so I will try not to be judgmental. Bill was... Bill in all his brooding, country boy turned vampire angst. Ball seems to be bringing Bill's darker side out a little more in the series which might be a good thing... we shall see.

This episode introduces us to many other minor characters, but the story itself submerges us into this small town of Bon Temps, Louisiana, out in the middle of no where. A place where everyone knows everyone, the internet is not readily available, and the local watering hole aka Merlotte's Bar and Grill is where everyone congregates at the end of the day.

Overall, the episode was a good first episode, but I would have cut one of the sex scenes and added in more background on Sookie. But they ended the episode at the right spot, so I can't wait for next Sunday.

Grade: B

03 September 2008

When you become a history major, reading for fun takes a step back

I'm into my second week of my third year at USF. My first two years were spent as a biomedical sciences major. Lets just say, my academic career was in the shambles and my personal life was suffering. Then from the advice of my mother (who knows me better than any one) and my best friend Stephanie (who is my other half), I decided to give up the war and change my major.

I will forever be grateful for the that day. The day I was sitting in my car, waiting for my Chemistry 2 class to begin. We had a test that day and I was cramming. Did I also mention this was the third time I was taking this class... and now at a community college where it was supposed to be easier? I guess not. I ended up calling my mother after I bombed that test to tell her I was changing my major to history. Her response was, "FINALLY!" I've never regretted it since.

Now I am an ancient history and classics double major. Which means you have any questions about Spartans 300 didn't cover or questions about gladiators Russel Crowe forgot to portray, I'm your girl.

However, my change in major has also changed the amount of reading I have to do for my classes each night. Lets just say, its a lot. Which, in turns, means I am going to have less time to write and read for myself. When I have the time to spare, I have a lot of reviews I need to write up.

For instance, I finally finished the Southern Vampire Series starring Sookie Stackhouse by Charlaine Harris. It was eight books in all and I managed to finish them in a week. What can I say, I'm a fast reader.... a book a day reader. I hope to have that finished and up soon. With there being eight books, its going to take some time. Below is the cover of the last. Click on the image to be linked to the official web site of the writer Mrs. Harris.

It is also the beginning of the fall television season which means... (drum roll please) New episodes of Bones, Heroes, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and Prison Break and completely new shows like Fringe, My Own Worst Enemy, and True Blood (and HBO show which happens to be based on the first of the Sookie Stackhouse novels... awesome right!). Thus, Sunday-Wednesday nights I shall be glued to my television (or Jenna's) to watch an hour or more of these awesome shows.

Now writing... well... since I've been reading so many vampire and supernatural novels naturally I have my own supernatural world forming in my head. I originally started writing from the perspective of my male character, Noah, but after a while I found my female character, Cornelia, was taking over. Maybe because she is the more dynamic character and is turning out to be a lot of fun? Possibly. But as they say, you write what you know and I know vampires and sarcastic women. Lets face it... I am one! I'm still in the developing stages, but its turning out to be very interesting.

Tune in for more... when I get around to it... probably next weekend when I am at home and never do homework... hum... I have a plan!

02 August 2008

INITIAL NOVEL REACTION: Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

I’m a very quick reader, which is handy when you have homework to do which requires a lot of reading. However, not so useful when reading an 800 page novel because you can’t put it down and thus end up not sleeping for a night.

I’m not quite sure how I feel about Breaking Dawn. On one hand I couldn’t put it down. I was so engrossed that I didn’t notice my grumbling stomach empty for over 24 hours or the weight of my eyelids trying to impair my reading. It took me a few chapters to really get into the book. But, this is typical of all novels.

I was finally interested when Meyer decided to reveal Bella’s “condition”. And then I had to remind myself that this writer knows little if anything about vampires. This is a romance series that just happens to have vampires and werewolves in it. If you have read the previous novels in this series, then you know Meyer has taken the vampire and werewolf mythology and thrown it out the window. Then adapted it for her world. Which I am all for. I love when authors re-create or re-imagine tales or stories we find so typical nowadays… like vampires. So, when I found myself scratching my head and wondering ‘wtf?’ seven or so chapters in, I had to find out how the hell Meyer was going to pull this off.

As I finished the book I felt a let down. I was expecting big sacrifices, epic throw downs with vampires and werewolves, plot twists I was never expecting, something to make this book stand out amongst the hundreds in my collection. Well, it only stands out as the biggest in sheer volume next my translation of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey in hardcover. I really need a healthy does of vampire gore. Some blood, guts, flying limbs, innocent deaths, fearful power that leaves me shaking in my boots, and an epic vampire war. I get none of this in Meyer’s PG-13 world. So I have to judge Meyer’s world on teenage romance, life threatening and difficult decisions, character development, and plot.

It was horrible, fantastic, compelling, annoying, dragged on at times, didn’t have enough in others, and as I like to say, “Craptastic.”

More detailed review to come after second reading…

01 July 2008

So much to say... give me time

I am working on putting together a few blogs about various things. I've been reading A LOT, which is fantastic. Its summer break from college, while I am still taking classes I have the time to read so I've been punching out a book in two days. I find myself reading mostly vampire novels and/or related to demon hunting scenarios. Thus I promise to post my opinions and reviews on them.

For any Doctor Who fan out there: I am going to reviewing each episode since the first season (we are currently near the end of season 4). I'm not as hard core as some fans out there, but it's fun for me to state my excitement over this amazing show. I wish it was more popular in America! It takes time to edit my video recordings with the actual show clips.

As a friend requested, I am also going to post tattoo/body piercing questions with answers both from my own opinion and the opinions I have read/heard out in the ether. Its a serious decision which I think should be thought about by any one considering getting a tattoo. Because as they say, it lasts forever!

So look forward to lost of posts and fun videos. Today I am going to post two videos I found on YouTube that made me laugh.

Anyone see the Llama song video? If not -> watch this video: Llama Song

These are the Doctor Who versions of this song. The first one below is based on the character The Doctor and the second is based around one of The Doctor's nemesis, the Daleks... ENJOY!

PS- These videos do not belong to me. They belong to the creative people who made them.

26 June 2008

The Beginning

For a long time, I've been wanting to find a way to get my voice (or words) out for others to read. I've tried various things ranging from typical websites like MySpace and FaceBook, but naturally, that is not what they are meant for. I've started to see a trend with creating a blog or a channel on YouTube and thought, well hell, I can do that!

Thus, this is the beginning. As frequently as possible I will write under the Winged Tales name, anything I want. This can range from film/book reviews, daily discoveries, secrets from the imagination of a twenty something girl, college life, and some of my own personal work. I promise I will never rant on politics, environmental concerns, relationships both work related and personal, or talk about how horrible my life is (which for the record it pretty great). But, I feel I am not alone in the way I feel about life and the world around me.

I hope this make you feel more connected as it does for me.
