26 June 2008

The Beginning

For a long time, I've been wanting to find a way to get my voice (or words) out for others to read. I've tried various things ranging from typical websites like MySpace and FaceBook, but naturally, that is not what they are meant for. I've started to see a trend with creating a blog or a channel on YouTube and thought, well hell, I can do that!

Thus, this is the beginning. As frequently as possible I will write under the Winged Tales name, anything I want. This can range from film/book reviews, daily discoveries, secrets from the imagination of a twenty something girl, college life, and some of my own personal work. I promise I will never rant on politics, environmental concerns, relationships both work related and personal, or talk about how horrible my life is (which for the record it pretty great). But, I feel I am not alone in the way I feel about life and the world around me.

I hope this make you feel more connected as it does for me.
